Bridging the science-society-policy interface for transformational knowledge translation in Africa

Olanike K. Adeyemo(1),

(1) Editor in Chief, Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Science, and Professor, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Corresponding Author


Science generates solutions for the benefit of the society: creating new knowledge, improving education, and increasing the quality of lives. It is therefore important that African scientists focuses on generating inputs for policy and institutional innovations as well as technology-based innovations to catalyse, support, and accelerate systems and systemic transformations. Also, Government decisions and legislations should ideally be guided by latest scientific knowledge. However, science culture; how a society understands and uses scientific knowledge is still at its infancy in most part of Africa.

A country’s science culture determines the scope of impact that the scientific enterprise can have in terms of improving lives and advancing development. A study in this edition titled “approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of knowledge translation platforms in low- and middle-income Countries” reported that generally, translating knowledge from research to practice takes a very long time.

To this end, science communities ought to commit to enhanced collaboration among different disciplines of sciences in particular social sciences, natural sciences, and health-related sciences. Also, public understanding and engagement with science, and citizen participation is essential for research evidence uptake. Scientists must endeavour to make their research relevant and comprehensible to society (citizens and policymakers).


Science-policy interface, knowledge translation, systemic transformation, evidence use in policy


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