An official journal of the Nigerian Academy of Science, the apex Science Society of Nigeria
The journal publishes articles emanating from outstanding original research.
From time to time, the Editorial board may request individuals to write commentaries on burning scientific issues.
Articles should be written in a language that is intelligible to most scientists.
Manuscripts for publication in the Proc. Nigerian Acad. Sci. should, preferably, be written or sponsored by a Fellow of the Academy. However, other authors are welcome to submit papers directly to the Editor-in-Chief. Authors may wish to suggest names of possible reviewers of the articles not from the same institution as the authors. The Editorial board makes final decisions on who may review an article.
Articles are usually arranged in the following order: Authors and Affiliations, Abstract or Summary. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgements. In areas such as pure Mathematics, or Physics this format may be modified in accordance with practice in the particular scientific discipline. Proc. Nigerian Acad. Sci. will not publish any plagiarized article, as all submitted articles will be reviewed with plagiarism software, which will show where the pirated data were lifted from.
All manuscripts should be composed in a LATEX or Word document with at least 12 font size.
Title: should be concise, and quotable. The title page also should contain the authors and their affiliation. Authors’ names should include first names, initials, surnames, and addresses. Asterisks should be used to indicate the corresponding author and if authors come from different institutions, these should be identified by superscripts. The website or e-mail, telephone numbers and postal address of the corresponding author must be included.
Summary or Abstract page: This should not exceed 250 words in length. Three key words are required. Authors may therefore indicate under what section they want their papers to be reviewed and should insert such before the key words. E.g. Biological: Agriculture. Key words: plant breeding, hybridization, Mannihot species.
Text: Authors are advised to avoid scientific jargon as far as possible. All acronyms are to be explained before being subsequently used in the text. All experimentation reported with living humans or animals must have obtained permission from the requisite Institutional Ethical Clearance Board. The statistical package used in the analysis of data must be stated. It should be clear whether error bars indicate standard error of the mean or standard deviation. All references must be numbered consecutively and listed similarly in the Reference section. Figures and tables should be inserted in appropriate places in the text where possible. Figures are numbered in Arabic numbers and Tables in Roman numerals.
Acknowledgements: Funding sources and technical assistance are permitted but not dedications.
References: All authors are to be listed. This recommendation is to reflect the fact that the key author may be the last author Web-pages are not references and may be quoted in the text or as footnotes.
A journal article may be referenced thus:
Chukwuani CM, Onyemelukwe GC, Okonkwo PO, Coker HA, & Ifudu ND (1998). The quinolones in management of typhoid fever: comparison of fleroxacin and ciprofloxacin in Nigerian patients. Clinical Drug Investigation. 16: 280-288.
Chapters in books can be cited as in this guide in the Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Science:
Hill AV(1991) in Molecular Evolution of the Major Histocompatibility Complex,eds Klein J
Klein D (Springer, Heidelberg), pp 403- 420
13. Submission of articles: To submit a manuscript, visit the NAS journal website on and login to your account. If you do not have an account, click on “Go to Registration” and follow the procedures to create an account. Login to your author centre and follow the on screens to enter all papers information including abstract and references.