2024 Call for Papers
The Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Science (PNgAS) is the flagship journal of the Nigerian Academy of Science, Africa’s leading Science Academy.
The regular edition of the journal is a multi-disciplinary publication, with the primary objective of disseminating original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis in all STEM disciplines, especially those that address national and regional developmental challenges. The journal publishes articles that are based on deep-seated formative research using large and multi-center datasets that lead to a better understanding of the context of sciencerelated developmental challenges in various disciplines, and that identify appropriate pathways for accomplishing change. Submissions of papers based on intervention research that focus on experimental and quasi-experimental designs are also encouraged.
The Editorial Committee of the journal invites submission of high-quality articles for consideration for publication in the 2025 regular editions, as well as the proposed themed versions of the journal. The details and requirements for submitting articles to the regular can be found on the NAS journal website –
We encourage all authors to follow the guidelines contained in the “Instructions to Authors”, that can be obtained from the journal website (
The Nigerian Academy of Science
8A, Ransome-Kuti Road, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos
Tel: +2348089622442