Prevalence, effects, and factors associated with road rage among drivers in Owerri City, Imo State, Nigeria

Amarachi F. Ohajinwa-Udonna-Ogbue(1), Simon A. Nwabueze(2), Nkiru Ezeama(3), Oriji S. Onyemache(4), Ubajiaka C. Florence(5), Akujobi N. Comfort(6), Chimere M. Ohajinwa(7),

(1) Nnamdi Azikiwe University
(2) Nnamdi Azikiwe University
(3) Nnamdi Azikiwe University
(4) Nnamdi Azikiwe University
(5) Nnamdi Azikiwe University
(6) Nnamdi Azikiwe University
(7) C-Circle Research, Abuja
Corresponding Author


Road rage and aggressive driving play key roles in road traffic accidents and therefore constitute a public health concern. In spite of the perceived daily exhibition of road rage in Owerri city, no published study has documented the impacts of road rage among drivers. This study therefore aims to assess the prevalence, effects, and factors contributing to road rage among commercial and non-commercial/private drivers in Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria as well as presents possible solutions to road rage in Owerri. A total of 252 drivers (127 commercial drivers and 125 non-commercial/private drivers), were interviewed. A Semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on socio-demographics, prevalence, effects, factors associated with Road Rage, and possible solutions to prevent road rage from the participating drivers. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS Version 26.

Majority (88%) of the drivers were males (96% male commercial drivers and 79% male private drivers). Most of the drivers did not go to driving school (95% of commercial, 58% of private). The mean ages of the drivers were 31 ± 8.8 and 46 ± 7.2 years for commercial and private drivers respectively. The prevalence of road rage was 88.2% (commercial 88% and private 59%).  The common expression of road rage includes rude gestures, arguments, and spitting on another drivers. The common effects of road rage include body aches/headaches, chest tightness/palpitation, regret/remorse, and transfer of anger to other road users.  Main factors contributing to road rage include poor road maintenance and discourteous driving. The findings of this study provide a scientific basis crucial to devising appropriate intervention to reduce road rage in Owerri city. We recommend implementing public education on courteous driving, especially among commercial drivers as well as adequate and regular road maintenance.


Road rage, road safety, aggressive driving, Owerri, Nigeria


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