Nigerian Energy Billing in A Deregulated Economy for Self-Reliance And Sustainable Development

Abubakar S. Sambo(1), I. H. Zarma(2), D. O. Otokpa(3),

(1) Energy Commission of Nigeria.
(2) Energy Commission of Nigeria
(3) Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo
Corresponding Author


Electric energy which is placed on top of the energy stratification and its uses at home, industry, agriculture, and in transport is indispensable. Tariffs are ways in which electric utilities derive their income from customers through effective electricity bills. This paper examines and analyses the energy billing in a deregulated economy in terms of its benefits for sustainable development especially for its capacity in eliminating subsidies, improvement in public financing and sale of assets. It as well shows its improvement of macro performance in generation of energy, transmission and distribution system. Moreover, electric energy and billing are cost effective as well as competitive with improved service to consumers while at the same time encouraging private investment, lower consumers’ tariffs. various tariffs system such as flat demand rate, straight rate, block rate, Hopkinson rate, Doherty rate, Wright rate and further proposed two important tariffs demand rate known as Zarma, and Otokpa demand rate. Recommendations were made and finally conclusion were also made that energy is very sensitive to either remain in the hand of government or private alone. Both have a role to play collectively.


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DOI: 10.57046/AWIT9712


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