Principle of Emagnetodynamics For Composite Magnetic Pole
(1) University of Nigeria, Nsukka. International Centre for Basic Maitama, Abuja.
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It is shown in this paper that geometry provides the key to the emagnetodynamics principle of operation of the machine (invented by Dr. Ezekiel Izuogu) which has an unexpected feature of driving a motor with static magnetic field. Essentially, because an array of like magnetic poles of the machine is arranged in a half circular array of a cylindrical geometry, the array creates a non-pointlike magnet pole that may be represented by a “magnetic current loop” at the position of the pivot of the movable arm. As a result, in three-dimensional space, it is possible to characterize the symmetry of the stator magnetic field B and the magnetic current loop J as a geno-dual (cube-hexagon) system by a 6-vector (J,B) (with J.B =6 0) comprising a 4x4 antisymmetric tensor analogous to the conventional electric and magnetic 6-vector (E,B) (with E.B =6 0) comprising the 4x4 antisymmetric tensor of classical electrodynamics. The implications are discussed.
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DOI: 10.57046/OQGF3908
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