Non-Steady One-Dimensional Groundwater Flow In Confined Aquafer Induced By Time Delayed Water Level Changes In Bounding Channel

Salihu Mustafa(1),

(1) The Nigerian Academy of Science
Corresponding Author


Unsteady state one dimensional flow of ground water induced by changes in water level in two channels bounding an isotropic homogeneous confined aquifer was studied. The water level in the two channels varies gradually with time and defined by mathematical functions with inbuilt time delay parameters. Exact solution to the problem was sought analytically, using the Laplace transform method. Results were obtained for pressure heads in error functions at various times and places in the aquifer. The equations obtained in the study were in agreement with those obtained by other researchers in previous studies. Using a numerical example, actual head values were determined for varying set values of delay parameters and these were plotted and compared.


Confined aquifer, channel water level, isotropic, transmissibility, Laplace transform, error functions, delay parameters.


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APPENDIX Figs. 2(a-d) Showing head distribution for various values of delaying parameters ꝋ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝛃

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DOI: 10.57046/EHVK8042


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