An Appraisal Of Nigeria's Development Of Nuclear Science And Technology

Cyril Agodi Onwumechili(1),

(1) The Nigerian Academy of Science
Corresponding Author


Having noted the aims for the development of nuclear science and technology in Nigeria as already expressed by two responsible sources: the Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission Decree 1976, and the Natural Sciences Research Council of Nigeria, the paper examines whether those aims are best or most-cheaply provided through nuclear technology by assessing the energy resources of Nigeria: coal, crude oil, natural gas, and hydropower. On finding that all Nigeria’s resources may well be committed in the next 20 to 30 years, the development of renewable energy resources; solar energy, biomass, and wind is recommended in preference to nuclear energy whose problems are immense and long lasting. Selected problems of nuclear power reactors are then reviewed before discussing how best to develop nuclear science and technology in Nigeria by presenting the views of a committee of the Natural Sciences Research Council of Nigeria.


Nigeria, Development, Nuclear, Science and Technology


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DOI: 10.57046/HHGO4216


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