An Efficient Algorithm for Zeros of Bounded Generalized Ghi-Quasi-Accretive Maps

C. E. Chidume FAS(1), C. O. Chidume(2), C. O. Chidume(3),

(1) African University of Science and Technology, Abuja.
(2) Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
(3) Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Corresponding Author


This is a research announcement of the following result. Let E be a real normed linear space in which the single-valued normalized duality map is Holder continuous on balls and let A: E E be a bounded generalized Φ-quasi-accretive map. A Mann-type iterative sequence is constructed and proved to converge strongly to the unique zero of A. In particular, our Theorems are applicable in real Banach spaces that include the Lp spaces, 1 < p < . The Theorems are stated here without proofs. The full version of this paper, including detailed technical proofs of the Theorems will be published elsewhere.


. Accretive- type operators; Uniformly continuous maps, phi-hemicontractive maps.



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DOI: 10.57046/TTZB7886


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