Plasma Arc Gasification for Waste Management and Sustainable Renewable Clean Energy Generalization

Felix C. Anyaegbunam(1),

(1) Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo
Corresponding Author


Plasma gasification in waste to energy is one of the novel applications that were introduced many years ago. Landfill sites and incineration continue to be the primary methods used to dispose wastes with significant negative impact on the environment. Landfill releases methane which is 21 times more dangerous as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Incineration is often pushed as an alternative to land filling. However, it is a known fact that incinerator ashes are contaminated with heavy metals, unburned chemicals and new chemicals formed during the burning process. These ashes are then buried in landfill or dumped in the environment. Rather than making waste disappear, incinerators create more toxic waste that pose a significant threat to public health and the environment. Sustainable and successful treatment of MSW should be safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. In this application, plasma arc gasifies the carbon-containing materials in the waste to produce synthesis gas (syngas) composed primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which can be used to produce energy through reciprocating engine generators - gas turbines and steam boilers in integrated gasification combine circle (IGCC), and/or liquid fuels. The in-organic waste materials are vitrified and runs out of the vessel’s bottom as glass-like slag and reusable metal. The double benefit of waste management and energy production is realized from plasma gasification process


. Plasma physics, plasma gasification, waste to energy, syngas


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