Tech-enabled solutions for student hunger: A comprehensive analysis of food surplus, community dynamics, and usability

Oluwole B. Olajide(1), Akindele M. Olawole(2), Akorede I. Adeyanju(3), Aderibigbe V. Adegbemiga(4), Aderonke B. Sakpere(5),

(1) University of Ibadan, Oyo state
(2) University of Ibadan, Oyo state
(3) University of Ibadan, Oyo state
(4) University of Ibadan, Oyo state
(5) University of Ibadan, Oyo state
Corresponding Author


In this study, we explore the interconnected issues of food wastage, student hunger, and the potential of technology to facilitate food sharing. We begin by examining the general problem of food insecurity on university campuses and its impact on student well-being and academic performance. Through a mixed-methods approach involving 30 participants (13 Males (43%) and 17 Females (57%)), we gather both qualitative and quantitative data to understand attitudes towards surplus food and the challenges of accessing food when needed. Our quantitative findings reveal that while 69.6% of participants are willing to share surplus food, only 39.1% have access to a viable network for food distribution. Qualitative insights further uncover the profound effects of food insecurity on students, who advocate for technological solutions featuring financial tracking, transparent food distribution, and privacy measures to enhance the food-sharing experience. Building on these findings, we conduct a heuristic evaluation of a low-fidelity prototype designed to address the identified challenges. The results underscore the need for a user-friendly interface that aligns with students' preferences, with key areas for refinement highlighted for future development. Following this, we refine the application and evaluate it using the System Usability Scale, which provides valuable insights into user experiences with the FeedLine prototype. While the overall impressions are positive, the feedback also highlights the need for improved onboarding support and clearer communication of the app's capabilities. This research contributes to the development of a technology-driven solution aimed at alleviating food-related challenges among students.


Food sharing, food wastage, heuristic evaluation, student hunger, system Usability Scale, technology-driven solution, user interface.


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