Nigeria's Mineral Resources For Wealth, Industry, Infrastructure And Life

Siyanbola Malomo(1),

(1) The Nigerian Academy of Science
Corresponding Author


I would like to begin by thanking the Chairman of the occasion, a former academic renowned geologists in its own right who has found time, within thereally buy period, and we all know that it is very busy, to accept to Chair thisevent.

The Special Guest of Honour, Arc Musa Sada is equally, if not more, a very busy man and has shown his commitment to the development of science (including the environmental science) by travelling from Abuja, to honour this invitation.

I would also like to pay tribute and remember those great scientists and illustrious men of honour, the fellows of the Academy who passed away in the last twelve months i.e. since the last general meeting of the Academy. These are Prof Oyenuga, Prof Adesola, Dr Amenechi, Prof Oladapo and of course the Grand Patron of the Academy: Alhaji Umar Musa Yar’Adua, GCFR, the former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

In preparing for this lecture, I was mindful of the charge that the audience will be both scientists and non-scientists. The challenge has therefore been to steer a middle course between high falluting equations or ideas in engineering geology or geotechnical engineering my special area of interest, which might interest the fellows. The alternative is something very bland for the wider public. Both have inherent risk of sending people to sleep. The one can bore the fellows to a deserved sleep after the retreat in Cotonou for Council member (and some fellows) and lunch, the other to a less deserved sleep but that which will come from a boring afternoon lecture.

In the consideration I am easily reminded of the famous statement by Lord Rutherford about the point of a good physicist being able to explain quantum physics to his char woman (i.e. the housed cleaner). I hope there will be enough spice in the lecture that will capture your attention and keep you awake for its duration.


Nigeria, Minerals, Resources, Wealth, Industry, Infrastructure


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